Principal's Message
  • Ms. TSANG Mei-yuet

    Courageously Embrace Change, Strive for Excellence, and Pursue Lifelong Learning

    Alongside the rapid technology advancement, increasing pervasiveness of the Internet, improvement of the network speed, and emerging of generative artificial intelligence AI, our ways of learning, working, and living are evolving. To remain competitive in this dynamic era, we must strategically and flexibly utilize technology, actively pursue change, and embrace ongoing innovation.

    Undoubtedly, the Internet and the recent emergence of generative AI have transformed learning methods tremendously. Technology has eliminated spatial barriers, making learning more enjoyable and interactive. Students as the primary drivers of learning can now easily explore a wide range of subjects tailoring to your interests and abilities beyond the traditional curriculum. I believe many of you have acquired skills in foreign languages, arts and crafts, cooking, and even addressed various life challenges through online learning.

    However, technology is a double-edged sword. While it provides students with easy access to a vast amount of information, leading them to overly depend on and trust online content without critical evaluation. This can result in the submission of assignments without verification of online information. Students should therefore developing strong information literacy skills, practicing self-discipline, and nurturing a spirit of inquiry and critical thinking prior to and when you use technology for learning. This approach will truly enhance your learning abilities and establish a solid foundation for lifelong learning.

    As an international metropolis in the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong plays a crucial role in global finance and trade, supported by the motherland and oriented towards the world. To become the future pillars of Hong Kong, students must develop strong communication skills and creativity to navigate various opportunities and challenges both locally and globally. Fung Kai No.1 Secondary School is dedicated to fostering a rich linguistic environment to enhance students’ proficiency in both biliteracy and trilingualism. Moreover, through diverse learning experiences and overseas exchange programs, we aim to broaden your horizons, empowering you to become globally-minded individuals who contribute meaningfully to the future development of society.

    The school serves not only as a place for knowledge enrichment but also provide a nurturing environment for students' healthy development. I hope that during your time at Fung Kai No. 1 Secondary School, students will cultivate self-discipline, independence, and confidence. You should recognize your strengths, embrace your weaknesses, and strive for continuous self-improvement. By maintaining a positive mindset and upholding strong values, you can become lifelong learners who fit well to the ever-changing world.
